Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Mine started out a bit rough last night. I dropped off my ex-boyfriend's car, after borrowing it to get down to Solana Beach for the Garmin running summit, and as I attempted to leave him a Valentine and really yummy cookies as a thank you, I got a door locked in my face. Clearly, he had another girl there, good on him, but how about acting a little bit more mature. It's just hard to deal with when he used to be my best friend and can turn so cold so quickly. But, I suppose, I'm naive to think we can still be close and still be friends, though it would be the mature thing to do.

The Garmin running summit went really well. Basically, I was brought in to speak with the creators and developers at Garmin about the current line and the future lines. I was on a panel with a number of other individuals involved in the running world. They picked our brains for a few hours about features, styles and other ideas to integrate into their products. It was fascinating and kind of amazing to be part of the inside process like that. I am also excited to be working with them again this season.

I can say too that I am now one of a very select handful of owners of the brand new Garmin 405. It is not set to hit store shelves until April. I'm eager to test it out on my ride and run today.

I apologize for the lack of writing this week. I've been battling my cold, still. It brought on more strength and moved to my chest. That knocked me out pretty well for two or three days. I'm just now trying to get back to full, all out training.

Tonight, will be awesome. We are having movie and desert night, after going to Father's Office for burgers. Yum! We being a few of my training partners as well as one of their homestays. My California parents will head off to a romantic dinner alone, which they so much deserve. They are so adorable. I hope someday I am that in love.

Speaking of which, when I woke this morning for practice, I was greeted by a Valentine from them, and the two dogs. It was definitely the right way to start the morning. The swim set was rough, "inconsistent" as Siri would describe my performance, but I had the Valentine, and I knew my family back home would be recieving theirs soon too, so it was alright. :)

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